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Organizer App
    Getting Started

Getting started

# Create an account

  1. Navigate to the Prosent Organizer App by clicking the “Organizer App” button on this page or by clicking this link:

  2. Tap the “Sign Up” link below the “Sign in” button.

  3. Fill the “Email” field.

  4. Fill out the “Password” and “Confirm password” fields. We recommend using a strong password

  5. Tap the “Sign Up” button.

  6. Accept the End-User Agreement and Terms of Service.

  7. You should see a “Registration successful” message. Shortly you will receive a verification prompt at the email address you provided.

  8. Open the link in the verification email. You should see the message “Your email has been verified” and you can proceed with signing in.

# Sign in

  1. Navigate to the Prosent Organizer App by clicking the “Organizer App” button on this page or by clicking this link:

  2. Fill out the “Email” and “Password” fields.

  3. Tap the “Sign In” button. Afterwards you should be signed in and see the Home screen.

# Complete profile information

  1. Navigate to the Profiles screen by tapping on the first card on the Home screen or by opening the navigation drawer and selecting the “ Profiles” item.

  2. Tap the “Edit ” button on the profile card.

  3. Select the profile type by tapping the “Type” dropdown and choosing the option “Person” for individuals and “Organization” for organizations.

  4. Once you have chosen a profile type, tap the “ Info” dropdown and fill out all mandatory fields.

  5. Tap the green “Save Profile ” button in the bottom right corner. You should be redirected to the Profiles screen see the message “Profile saved”.

# Generate a privacy policy

  1. Navigate to the Profiles screen by tapping on the first card on the Home screen or by opening the navigation drawer and selecting the “ Profiles” item.

  2. Tap the “Edit ” button on the profile card.

  3. Expand the “ Privacy Policies” dropdown and tap the “Add new” button.

  4. The Privacy Policy type is “Generated” by default. Don’t change this.

  5. Tap the “Continue” button.

  6. Select the languages of your privacy policy. You can select multiple languages. Tap “Select the languages in which you want to upload your privacy policy”. Select the languages. Tap outside the language menu and tap “Continue”.

  7. Enter the information required to generate the privacy policy for you. These are prefilled with the information you provided in the Profile.

  8. Review the full privacy policy text in all selected languages and tap “Continue”.

  9. Review and, if needed, change the privacy policy summary in all selected languages and tap “Continue”. This text will be displayed to your visitors as the main text. They can display the full text of the privacy policy if they want to.

  10. Review consents that are mandatory to agree within all selected languages. In the generated privacy policy, only the “Privacy Policy” option is mandatory. Visitors can also agree to the processing of their biometric facial data, publication of their photographs, use of their photographs for marketing purposes, and receive newsletters from you. Tap “Continue”.

  11. Select what additional data you want to make mandatory for your visitor to share with you. If you don't want to make some fields mandatory, deselect the fields. When finished, tap “Continue”.

  12. Type in a descriptive name for the privacy policy and tap “Save privacy policy”. You should be redirected to the Profile details and a success message should be displayed.

# Start collecting consents

  1. Navigate to the Consents screen by tapping the “Go to consents” button on the Home screen or by opening the navigation drawer and selecting the “ Consents” item.

  2. Tap the “Start consent collecting” button.

  3. Leave the audience selection to the default “Anyone” option and tap the “Continue” button.

  4. Choose your new generated privacy policy by tapping the card and tap “Continue”.

  5. Select what data you would like to collect from your visitors. All consent data specified by your Privacy Policy is selected by default. You can’t deselect the data marked as required by the Privacy Policy. When finished, tap “Continue”.

  6. Choose the languages of the interface in which your visitors can grant their consent (so-called “Kiosk”). You can add more languages than what the privacy policy is translated to and you can select which translation will be used to display the privacy policy. When finished, tap “Continue”.

  7. Customize the translations of the texts that appear in the kiosk. You will be able to adjust these according to your needs later as well. When finished, tap “Continue”.

  8. Customize the labels around the data input fields for your kiosk. You will be able to adjust these according to your needs later as well. When finished, tap “Continue”.

  9. Choose a name for your kiosk and tap the “Save kiosk” button.

  10. After tapping the “Launch kiosk” button, you will be logged out of the application and you’ve successfully launched your first kiosk!

# Grant your consent in kiosk mode

  1. If your kiosk has multiple languages, select your preferred language.

  2. Confirm your consent by selecting all required checkboxes below the privacy policy summary and tapping the “Continue” button.

  3. If you are using the web version, upload a picture of your face. If you are using one of the mobile versions, take a picture of your face by clicking the “Take photo” button.

  4. Fill out the required consent data and tap “Done”.

  5. You should see a thank you message. This means you have successfully granted your consent! You can hand your device over to your visitors to collect their consent. When finished, you can exit the kiosk mode by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner and tapping the “Exit kiosk mode” item. For security reasons, you will need to sign in again.

# Upload your first picture

  1. Navigate to the Photos screen by tapping the “Go to photos” button on the Home screen or by opening the navigation drawer and selecting the “ Photos” item.

  2. Tap the “Add photos ” button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Select one or more pictures with faces on them. After a while the photos will appear on the screen with a spinning blur icon . This means the application is detecting faces in the picture. Once the detection is complete, the application uses facial recognition to pair consents with the faces in the picture.

# Export your photos

  1. Navigate to the Photos screen by tapping the “Go to photos” button on the Home screen or by opening the navigation drawer and selecting the “ Photos” item.

  2. Select photos by either long pressing them or tap the “Select All” button in the bottom right part of your screen.

  3. Tap the “Export anonymized ” button in the bottom right part of your screen. You will be redirected to the Photo export screen

  4. Tap the “ Download” button. After a while a zip file, containing anonymized images, will be downloaded to your device.